Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Trendy Tuesdays : High Low Skirts

I actually love this style of skirts...it's fun refreshing and you get a mix of both worlds. It's an excellent go to trend for this summer.

I'm not entirely sure when this trend maid its debut but suddenly one day everyone had a skirt or dress like this.

I like that it lets you show of your legs but then from the back makes it look longer than it actually is. And the best part is that you can wear it to a variety of events and places. Such as school, shopping, weddings, parties etc. So it's a pretty versatile trend.

Now for the bad news...these skirts/dresses can look extremely stupid too. When the back is waaaaay longer than the front I do not think that look good at all. I cannot remember who said it but the were right it kind of looks like a wedding dress. When the back is pretty much dragging on the floor and the front is above your knees I no longer think it's a fun trend. Only in the rare occasion have I seen when the back is really long and the front short that I agreed it looked really good. In the picture above I think that's a pretty fair ratio and it looks good. Not weird.

I'm giving this 4/5 stars because of the little fault this dress can have. But I think many girls look really good in the dress and it very fun flowy and pretty.

The flowiness and uniqueness of this dress truly does...
Make Fashion Fun!
-Dominique ♡


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