Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Worldwide Wednesday : A Taste of Asia

For this worldwide beauty tip we are travelling to Asia. Often known for their great white skin and flawless looks a lot of it comes from the way they eat. 
North Americans consume a lot of fatty foods, there's no doubt, and as much as people would like to say this does not contribute to your skin, I can testify to that it does. After changing up my diet I began to notice some changes in my energy and skin!

Originating in Japan comes sushi this is a simple dish that is filling and rather healthy due to the veggies and nutrients from the fish. However one of the main things that contribute to great skin from sushi is the seaweed. Me and my mom were watching a show that said nori aids in a better complexion and can help in preventing acne. So my mom immediately bought a lot of nori and we began to eat lots of sushi. Not only is sushi absolutely delicious the nori that it is wrapped in is good for the skin. Plus this can be used on the skin to help in exfoliation. So it treats from the inside out.

Next to sushi is Green Tea, this is originally from China and is even known as pimple tea. Green tea is not only great in treating acne but it has many antioxidants increasing a long life. I drink about 2-3 cups of green tea a day 30 minutes after each major meal and let me tell you my skin just loves it!

Green tea can also be used on the skin is it calms, soothes and treats the skin. It is used in many cleansers, toners and masks allowing for people to benefit from the amazing properties of what is green tea.

I'm glad we are beginning to learn from the East Asians they have truly taught us some great beauty tips that have benefited many worldwide.

So tell me some other Asian beauty secrets you know :) And see you next time for some more worldwide fashion and beauty tips!
So remember...
Beauty starts from the inside out!

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