Monday, January 07, 2013

Manly Mondays : The Quiff

Modern Male Haircuts

No I'm not a 1D fan but a) I love this guy and his hair and b) his hairstyle is pretty darn popular at the moment.
These days I see lots of guys sporting this hairstyle where the sides and back are shaven and the top is higher...I just love it a lot. There's something about this hairstyle that says classy and charming haha.
Lo's of the guy friends I have do a good job of making this hairstyle look good in addition to their fashion.

However, this is not for everyone because the way you style your hair goes completely with your personality and fashion. So that's why even though this cut seems to be what's everywhere at the moment...always consider who you are when mixing things up. (Luckily if you screw up hair grows back and you can try again  ^ ^ )

Five stars...this is probably biased but I truly do love this's just so classy! 

Like always make sure you guys
Make Fashion Fun!!

Who cares if your a can still look good and have fun too :)


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